Thursday, March 19, 2009

Finishing the Veterans' March to San Antonio

The Texas House stands adjourned until 2:00 p.m., Monday, March 23rd, 2009 so I am off to join those hardcore veterans from the Valley on their 250 mile march to San Antonio.

The good news from the capitol is that I believe we are making good progress in moving the medical school legislation that may serve to compliment the Veterans' Hospital in the Valley. Today I joined other key members in the House to refine our strategy to get the bill moving. I am expecting our legislation to be moving out of committee soon.

As to our loyal group of dedicated veteran marchers, they are at last word on the edges of San Antonio hoping to have their final trek to the VA Hospital in San Antonio sometime tomorrow.

I will be marching with our comrades in action tomorrow as they reach this final part of this journey. Hopefully our ultimate goal will not be as treacherous.

Here are photos from today.

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